Resilience and Impermanence in Design

I started to write about resilience in design,  and realized that Impermance goes hand in hand. Impermanence refers to the ever-changing nature, while resilience is the ability to adapt and recover from not wanting to change. Understanding their relationship is part of the solution to adapting to life as we re-create ourselves. Art that creates […]

How Bird-Inspired Design Can Enhance Your Home’s Atmosphere

My late grandmother’s vintage birdcage holds a special spot right by the window in the guest room I designed for my mother, who loves birds. To celebrate her love of birds, possibly rooted in a past life, I added this heirloom as inspiration for the room’s design, connecting beauty, nature, and freedom. Complementing the birdcage, […]

The Art of Nostalgia

The Emotional value behind vintage items Ok…I think it started with the Pasadena Showcase house I designed a while back. I loved this project because I got to add vintage details to personally glamorize an Ingenue’s room as though it was from the department store heyday. This was when  “couture” was designed from head to toe. […]

The Art of Designing Responsibly for Climate Change

We’re fossil addicted…if we do nothing, we will be living in alarming toxic amounts of C02 in the 50-100 years not only affecting our children and the next generation, but our ecosystem and existence as we know it. Climate change is real. This 2 minute video gives an insight to just one of the reasons […]

Biophillia – How we connect to living Things in Design

What do you think of when you need to mentally escape? Shapes, textures and colors  found in nature are the things that inspire me. Moving shadows in the sun inspires me.  But why? I did some research and stumbled upon “Biophillia”: A term that describes how we identify with forms from nature. There’s a reason for […]

Breaking the 4th Wall in Design

What do you think of when you need to mentally escape? As a designer, shapes, textures and colors  found in nature inspire me. Moving shadows in the sun inspires me.  But why? I did some research and stumbled upon “Biophillia”: A term that describes how we identify with forms from nature in design. …and there’s a […]

How to create Emotional Spaces through Texture and Lighting

You’ve had a long day. You unlock the door and walk in the house. Suddenly, your shoulders start to relax, and a sigh of relief to be home comes over you. Even though the inner chatter is still in your head, that soft velvet on the sofa makes you grin, and that nostalgic tile in the […]

Connecting your DNA to Cultural Patterns

Sole Shades – Bali  Modern collage – African, British, and Japanese Fabrics We’re all different. That’s the beauty of life.   I grew up being a student of culture and diversity. I was born that way.  I am proud of my Black heritage. But, I’m also proud of the other percentages that make me who I […]