The Emotional value behind vintage items

Ok…I think it started with the Pasadena Showcase house I designed a while back. I loved this project because I got to add vintage details to personally glamorize an Ingenue’s room as though it was from the department store heyday. This was when  “couture” was designed from head to toe. Furs, hats, and gloves were all part of a women’s wardrobe decision.

Then, vintage accessories became a signature element to support my design story for my clients;  which have added a personal style to my designs. I especially love designing closets with nostalgia because they become intimate spaces to display all those meaningful items that are dear to us.

But, then I started to really think about nostalgia and research what it’s really all about. It’s more than a feeling and reminiscing. It’s part of a lifestyle that we romance, yearn for, or miss.

Using Nostalgia in our homes and work can be therapeutic. It helps with loneliness and memory loss. If you think about it, one of the worst things to lose is our memory.

So, using handed down pieces from our loved ones and can help us to cope and remember what is precious.

I  creating a short 2 minute video  that probes into those vintage things we love to use in our homes that make up of a part of who we are. I hope you like it… and if you do, please subscribe!  Linda