This Ingénue bedroom for the Pasadena Showcase House  had a fashion boutique feeling with a nostalgic edge from “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”. Polka-dots and Parisian stripes in creams and chocolates were combined with with Dior pinks and blush colors that complimented a girl’s complexion. Accents of tinted soft pink mirrors and pink glass prisms created playful reflections throughout. Light fixtures imitated stylized “Bullocks Wilshire” hat boxes and couture shapes. Most pieces in this room were custom designed to give the feeling of the fashion boutique “heyday”.

The room was divided into a separate sleeping area and lounging area for entertaining girlfriends.

This captivating bedroom promoted confidence and personal style for a spirited, in- the-know teenager who enjoys developing into a young woman through the art of women’s fashion couture from the vintage department store era