Getting back your Beginner’s Mind

This last year has been difficult year, mentally. And as a designer, creating new ideas with a fresh perspective has been distracting from being clouded from the pandemic and World…

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Behind “I am Good Enough” – Obsidian Artist Studio & Garden by Linda Allen

I grew up as a competitive figure skater. And being into sports, I thought “fair” was something that everyone could experience. If I worked hard, and followed the rules of…

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Behind “I am Good Enough” – Obsidian Artist Studio & Garden by Linda Allen

I grew up as a competitive figure skater. And being into sports, I thought “fair” was something that everyone could experience. If I worked hard, and followed the rules of…

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The Magic of Jewelry- Obsidian Artist Studio & Garden by Linda Allen

Theres something exciting about creating jewelry. As an interior designer dabbling in jewelry making, it kind of feels like gardening – very therapeutic.  The coolest feeling is being able to…

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